Monday, August 4, 2008

Olive oil for acne and acne scar treatments for black skin

A bad diet is not the sole cause of acne, some people are genetically predisposed to acne and for many others it is a by-product of growing up. During puberty, teenagers are prone to high anxiety levels and increased androgens (sex hormones). Androgens have the effect of stimulating oil glands usually on the face but often on the back and chest. This overproduction of oil is secreted through pores of the skin carrying dead cell debris with it; this in turn is converted, by the normal bacteria present in our skins, to products that irritate and inflame the skin.
Not all acne sufferers will need to consult a doctor or dermatologist about their condition, their symptoms will be quite mild and, by being proactive, acne acne improves and they will cope well on products that they buy over the counter.
One such toxin is something that is totally unavoidable, Mycotoxins. They are a fungus, caused by mold and yeast, and found virtually everywhere. Even if you aren't an acne sufferer, I promise, you have them in your system. It is your liver's job to get rid of this fungus, and sometimes, you have too much, and your liver falls behind. When that happens, you have little choice but to either let it fall behind, and let your body excrete them, or help it along by consuming something that will fight the fungus for you.
tags: reviews on blue and red light treatment for acne, acne cream on lips, clearasil ultra acne fighting cleansing wipes
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