Monday, August 4, 2008

Dermatology and prevent acne and tea tree oil to prevent acne breakouts

Side effects are usually part of the package when it comes to any medical treatment. No matter how 'safe' or 'natural' the drug or medication is, there are some cases when the formulation just doesn't agree with the body of the patient. Acne medication is no exception. However, there is one brand in the market today that promises minimal side effects and more of the benefits. This medication is known as Acnezine.
Minocycline Treatment is derivative of tetracycline and very frequently, used as the best acne treatment for some persons. However, children's should not take this medication, since it will reduce growth of teeth and bones. As with doxycycline, minocycline can efficiently decrease potency of bacteria thriving into the skin pores. Along with the acne, it is as well noted to professionally provide the treatment for some other bacterial skin infections.
2. cleanse blemishes, redness, pus, pimples, whiteheads and blackheads
tags: does lemon really help acne, how remove acne, acne and how to wash your face

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