Monday, August 4, 2008

Have medicine for my acne, but i still eat alot of candy and make up does not cause acne

A wide variety of components can generally be found to correlate with any acne outbreak. The more correlating components of acne you are able to eliminate the greater your chances of avoiding major acne outbreaks. Most of us only know one or two anecdotal causes of acne, but don't really understand which of the things we may be doing daily may be contributing to acne outbreaks.
Sebum is a natural skin oil, which is generated by the sebaceous glands, and it both protects and waterproofs your skin and hair. Its production is accelerated by hormonal activity after puberty. The hormones responsible are believed to be the androgens, or male hormones, present in both men and women, but much higher in men.
Most people call these Acne comedones pimples. Small comedones, microcomedones also know as papules, form from contained cellular reactions that cause acne. They mostly occur in clusters too small to be seen by un aided eye. Pustules, nodules and cysts can form in stern form of acne. A pustule is a comedone full of pus or dead cells making it larger in size. Nodules are relatively hard, roughly spherical and more severe form of papules that extend in to the tissues forming a lump under the skin. It pains much when it is touched. Cysts emerge from pustules or the nodule but are fluid filled.
tags: does hormonal imbalance cause acne, what to eat to get rid of acne, acne treatment natural skin care skin care cream b

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