Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why does masterbation cause acne and sleepyness

« ...Also, it becomes important to use an excellent natural acne cleaning agent such as Acnezine when such breakouts occur. Acnezine can deal with acne no matter where it manifests and that includes the back region as well as the facial area. Acnezine is a complete and comprehensive acne treatment that no one suffering from acne should do without....
...There are some physicians who choose to utilize what is known as the N-Lite which is another type of non-abrasive laser. It's primary function is to stimulate the formation of collagen and typically the patient has to have three treatments to arrive at a satisfactory end result. There are various types of procedures that are available for addressing acne scars and utilizing laser treatment for acne scars is a one option that you may want to consider. Please consult your physician first....»
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«...This disease generally begins between the ages of ten and thirteen and is triggered by hormones released at the onset of puberty are responsible for the appearance of acne during the teen years. Teens are more likely than adults to jump from product to product, searching for an acne remedy....»
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tags: pesticide in drinking water causes acne, how to get rid of acne scars on your back, face products to clear up acne scars


Anonymous said...

Zinc is important for erasing acne from skin. It regulates in controlling the amount of testosterone in the body which plays a dominant role in causing acne. In addition to it, zinc is also concerned with collagen synthesis. This further aids in normalizing the amount of skin oils and maintenance of a healthy skin. dermatology laser

Anonymous said...

We simply do not know whether masturbation or sex is related to acne, or for that matter human hormonal balance. More research is needed. Current research tends to point toward very small hormonal changes after arousal or sex, if any. Whether these changes are beneficial or detrimental for acne remains unknown.
All we have to have is a perfect tool or the medication that suits our acne. The one that will effectively rid of those without scarring. Not only removes acne but also will make the skin soft and smooth.