Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Eating carrots help with acne

« ...Once I started really diving into acne education, I learned what works and what doesn't. It's amazing how many misconceptions about skin care are spread throughout the media. For instance, when my acne was bad, I attributed it to my oily skin. To combat this I would wash my face 3 or 4 times a day. As soon as my skin felt oily again, I would run to the bathroom and wash it with my foam cleanser - BIG MISTAKE!...
...Adapalene is usually prescribed and it can come in various forms, namely, cream, liquid or gel. Do note that Adapalene can be rather costly when compared to other form of treatments. ...»
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«...Many people still rely on bath soap to cleanse their face. Unfortunately the same cleansers you might use for the area under your arm are not going to be good for the delicate area of your face! Think about this for a moment - the dirt, sweat, dead skin cells and things such as this that you get in other areas of your body just aren't going to be present on your face, at least not to the same extent. Additionally, the areas of your underarms, groin, and feet all harbor bacteria (which is one reason for them to have odors) and you need to use a soap or cleanser strong enough in these areas in order to kill those bacteria. Your face however, even if it has acne, does not have the same bacteria and certainly not to the same extent....»
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tags: how to clear acne quickly, eastbay acne skin care clinic, essential fatty acid dosage acne


Anonymous said...

The essential oils in carrot juice will aid digestion and help stop acne. baby eczema

Anonymous said...

As we know that carrot is very good for our health. You can take carrot as a food, juice and can use it as mask for your skin. It does not only make your skin better it also helps eliminate acne. Carrot is valued highly because of its pro vitamin A which strengthens the protective tissue of the skin and prevents acne formation by reducing sebum production.